Set rofi instead of dmenu in packages
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 4 additions and 48 deletions
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
# ## picom => Compositor to add effects in window | Use with i3
# ## picom => Compositor to add effects in window | Use with i3
# ## polybar => Use to create simple bar in bottom | Use with i3
# ## polybar => Use to create simple bar in bottom | Use with i3
# ## dunst => Customizable and simple notification manager (to test it, use notify-send) | Use with i3
# ## dunst => Customizable and simple notification manager (to test it, use notify-send) | Use with i3
# ## dmenu => Basic custom menu like rofi to launch application with Windows + D | Use with i3
# ## rofi => Basic custom menu like rofi to launch application with Windows + D | Use with i3
# ## i3lock => Custom lock screen
# ## i3lock => Custom lock screen
# ## gnome-keyring => Use to store sensitive data like password by google chrome and other
# ## gnome-keyring => Use to store sensitive data like password by google chrome and other
# ## xss-lock => Use to use external locker as X screen saver | Use to use i3lock for i3
# ## xss-lock => Use to use external locker as X screen saver | Use to use i3lock for i3
# ## dex => Use to generate or use Desktop file .desktop of type Application | Use with i3
# ## dex => Use to generate or use Desktop file .desktop of type Application | Use with i3
# ## feh => Use to set wallpaper | Use with i3
# ## feh => Use to set wallpaper | Use with i3
# ## jq => Json parser for command line use by my custom script for relative workspaces because i3-msg return json format
# ## jq => Json parser for command line use by my custom script for relative workspaces because i3-msg return json format
packages+=(picom i3-gaps polybar dunst dmenu i3lock gnome-keyring xss-lock dex feh jq)
packages+=(picom i3-gaps polybar dunst i3lock gnome-keyring xss-lock dex feh jq rofi rofi-emoji)
# Utils in complement for i3
# Utils in complement for i3
# ## bluez-tools => Used by some polybar scripts
# ## bluez-tools => Used by some polybar scripts
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ packages+=(kdeconnect)
# Spotify to listen music :)
# Spotify to listen music :)
# ## spicetify-cli => Use to customize spotify (Add vim keyboard style)
# ## spicetify-cli => Use to customize spotify (Add vim keyboard style)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
packages=(curl git gitui yay keepassxc gnome-keyring)
packages=(curl git gitui yay keepassxc gnome-keyring)
# ## falchion-shutdown | My custom AUR packages to avoid shutdown my computer when keyboard is sleeping
# ## falchion-shutdown | My custom AUR packages to avoid shutdown my computer when keyboard is sleeping
# ## nerd-fonts-complete | To install my preferred fonts :)
# ## nerd-fonts-complete | To install my preferred fonts :)
aur_packages=(falchion-shutdown nerd-fonts-complete spotify)
aur_packages=(falchion-shutdown nerd-fonts-complete spotify emacs-ng)
# For terminal
# For terminal
# ## kitty => Terminal emulator like alacritty but it look more powerfull so it can replace alacritty and tmux in future
# ## kitty => Terminal emulator like alacritty but it look more powerfull so it can replace alacritty and tmux in future
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
# Install required packages with winget
winget install alacritty gitui
# Install other packages with scoop because not available in winget
Get-Command -Name scoop -ErrorAction Stop
Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
scoop install neovim
# Install fonts
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
scoop install FiraCode-NF FiraCode-NF-Mono FiraMono-NF FiraCode-Script FiraCode Delugia-Nerd-Font-Complete Delugia-Mono-Nerd-Font-Complete Cascadia-Code CascadiaCode-NF CascadiaCode-NF-Mono
$CommandLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} else {
try {
$appToSymlink = @(
Name = 'gitui';
Path = "$env:APPDATA";
Name = 'nvim';
Path = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA";
Foreach ($item in $appToSymlink) {
$symlink_folder = $item.Path + '\' + $item.Name
$name = $item.Name
$config_folder = "$env:USERPROFILE\.config\$name"
New-Item -Force -Path $symlink_folder -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value $config_folder
} catch {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Add table
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