Run clang-format
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 974 additions and 132 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# clang-format configuration file. Intended for clang-format >= 11.
# For more information, see:
# Documentation/dev-tools/clang-format.rst
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AfterEnum: false
AfterFunction: true
AfterNamespace: true
AfterObjCDeclaration: false
AfterStruct: false
AfterUnion: false
AfterExternBlock: false
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BeforeElse: false
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SplitEmptyFunction: true
SplitEmptyRecord: true
SplitEmptyNamespace: true
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BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false
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ColumnLimit: 80
CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:'
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DisableFormat: false
ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
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# Taken from:
# git grep -h '^#define [^[:space:]]*for_each[^[:space:]]*(' include/ tools/ \
# | sed "s,^#define \([^[:space:]]*for_each[^[:space:]]*\)(.*$, - '\1'," \
# | LC_ALL=C sort -u
- '__ata_qc_for_each'
- '__bio_for_each_bvec'
- '__bio_for_each_segment'
- '__evlist__for_each_entry'
- '__evlist__for_each_entry_continue'
- '__evlist__for_each_entry_from'
- '__evlist__for_each_entry_reverse'
- '__evlist__for_each_entry_safe'
- '__for_each_mem_range'
- '__for_each_mem_range_rev'
- '__for_each_thread'
- '__hlist_for_each_rcu'
- '__map__for_each_symbol_by_name'
- '__pci_bus_for_each_res0'
- '__pci_bus_for_each_res1'
- '__pci_dev_for_each_res0'
- '__pci_dev_for_each_res1'
- '__perf_evlist__for_each_entry'
- '__perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse'
- '__perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe'
- '__rq_for_each_bio'
- '__shost_for_each_device'
- '__sym_for_each'
- 'apei_estatus_for_each_section'
- 'ata_for_each_dev'
- 'ata_for_each_link'
- 'ata_qc_for_each'
- 'ata_qc_for_each_raw'
- 'ata_qc_for_each_with_internal'
- 'ax25_for_each'
- 'ax25_uid_for_each'
- 'bio_for_each_bvec'
- 'bio_for_each_bvec_all'
- 'bio_for_each_folio_all'
- 'bio_for_each_integrity_vec'
- 'bio_for_each_segment'
- 'bio_for_each_segment_all'
- 'bio_list_for_each'
- 'bip_for_each_vec'
- 'bond_for_each_slave'
- 'bond_for_each_slave_rcu'
- 'bpf_for_each'
- 'bpf_for_each_reg_in_vstate'
- 'bpf_for_each_reg_in_vstate_mask'
- 'bpf_for_each_spilled_reg'
- 'bpf_object__for_each_map'
- 'bpf_object__for_each_program'
- 'btree_for_each_safe128'
- 'btree_for_each_safe32'
- 'btree_for_each_safe64'
- 'btree_for_each_safel'
- 'card_for_each_dev'
- 'cgroup_taskset_for_each'
- 'cgroup_taskset_for_each_leader'
- 'cpu_aggr_map__for_each_idx'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_efficient_entry_idx'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_entry'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_entry_idx'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_valid_entry'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_valid_entry_idx'
- 'css_for_each_child'
- 'css_for_each_descendant_post'
- 'css_for_each_descendant_pre'
- 'damon_for_each_region'
- 'damon_for_each_region_from'
- 'damon_for_each_region_safe'
- 'damon_for_each_scheme'
- 'damon_for_each_scheme_safe'
- 'damon_for_each_target'
- 'damon_for_each_target_safe'
- 'damos_for_each_filter'
- 'damos_for_each_filter_safe'
- 'damos_for_each_quota_goal'
- 'damos_for_each_quota_goal_safe'
- 'data__for_each_file'
- 'data__for_each_file_new'
- 'data__for_each_file_start'
- 'device_for_each_child_node'
- 'device_for_each_child_node_scoped'
- 'dma_fence_array_for_each'
- 'dma_fence_chain_for_each'
- 'dma_fence_unwrap_for_each'
- 'dma_resv_for_each_fence'
- 'dma_resv_for_each_fence_unlocked'
- 'do_for_each_ftrace_op'
- 'drm_atomic_crtc_for_each_plane'
- 'drm_atomic_crtc_state_for_each_plane'
- 'drm_atomic_crtc_state_for_each_plane_state'
- 'drm_atomic_for_each_plane_damage'
- 'drm_client_for_each_connector_iter'
- 'drm_client_for_each_modeset'
- 'drm_connector_for_each_possible_encoder'
- 'drm_exec_for_each_locked_object'
- 'drm_exec_for_each_locked_object_reverse'
- 'drm_for_each_bridge_in_chain'
- 'drm_for_each_connector_iter'
- 'drm_for_each_crtc'
- 'drm_for_each_crtc_reverse'
- 'drm_for_each_encoder'
- 'drm_for_each_encoder_mask'
- 'drm_for_each_fb'
- 'drm_for_each_legacy_plane'
- 'drm_for_each_plane'
- 'drm_for_each_plane_mask'
- 'drm_for_each_privobj'
- 'drm_gem_for_each_gpuvm_bo'
- 'drm_gem_for_each_gpuvm_bo_safe'
- 'drm_gpuva_for_each_op'
- 'drm_gpuva_for_each_op_from_reverse'
- 'drm_gpuva_for_each_op_reverse'
- 'drm_gpuva_for_each_op_safe'
- 'drm_gpuvm_bo_for_each_va'
- 'drm_gpuvm_bo_for_each_va_safe'
- 'drm_gpuvm_for_each_va'
- 'drm_gpuvm_for_each_va_range'
- 'drm_gpuvm_for_each_va_range_safe'
- 'drm_gpuvm_for_each_va_safe'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_hole'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_node'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_node_in_range'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_node_safe'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_available_port'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_cpu_port'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_cpu_port_continue_reverse'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_port'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_port_continue_reverse'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_port_safe'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_user_port'
- 'dsa_switch_for_each_user_port_continue_reverse'
- 'dsa_tree_for_each_cpu_port'
- 'dsa_tree_for_each_user_port'
- 'dsa_tree_for_each_user_port_continue_reverse'
- 'dso__for_each_symbol'
- 'elf_hash_for_each_possible'
- 'elf_symtab__for_each_symbol'
- 'evlist__for_each_cpu'
- 'evlist__for_each_entry'
- 'evlist__for_each_entry_continue'
- 'evlist__for_each_entry_from'
- 'evlist__for_each_entry_reverse'
- 'evlist__for_each_entry_safe'
- 'flow_action_for_each'
- 'for_each_acpi_consumer_dev'
- 'for_each_acpi_dev_match'
- 'for_each_active_dev_scope'
- 'for_each_active_drhd_unit'
- 'for_each_active_iommu'
- 'for_each_active_route'
- 'for_each_aggr_pgid'
- 'for_each_and_bit'
- 'for_each_andnot_bit'
- 'for_each_available_child_of_node'
- 'for_each_available_child_of_node_scoped'
- 'for_each_bench'
- 'for_each_bio'
- 'for_each_board_func_rsrc'
- 'for_each_btf_ext_rec'
- 'for_each_btf_ext_sec'
- 'for_each_bvec'
- 'for_each_card_auxs'
- 'for_each_card_auxs_safe'
- 'for_each_card_components'
- 'for_each_card_dapms'
- 'for_each_card_pre_auxs'
- 'for_each_card_prelinks'
- 'for_each_card_rtds'
- 'for_each_card_rtds_safe'
- 'for_each_card_widgets'
- 'for_each_card_widgets_safe'
- 'for_each_cgroup_storage_type'
- 'for_each_child_of_node'
- 'for_each_child_of_node_scoped'
- 'for_each_clear_bit'
- 'for_each_clear_bit_from'
- 'for_each_clear_bitrange'
- 'for_each_clear_bitrange_from'
- 'for_each_cmd'
- 'for_each_cmsghdr'
- 'for_each_collection'
- 'for_each_comp_order'
- 'for_each_compatible_node'
- 'for_each_component_dais'
- 'for_each_component_dais_safe'
- 'for_each_conduit'
- 'for_each_console'
- 'for_each_console_srcu'
- 'for_each_cpu'
- 'for_each_cpu_and'
- 'for_each_cpu_andnot'
- 'for_each_cpu_from'
- 'for_each_cpu_or'
- 'for_each_cpu_wrap'
- 'for_each_dapm_widgets'
- 'for_each_dedup_cand'
- 'for_each_dev_addr'
- 'for_each_dev_scope'
- 'for_each_dma_cap_mask'
- 'for_each_dpcm_be'
- 'for_each_dpcm_be_rollback'
- 'for_each_dpcm_be_safe'
- 'for_each_dpcm_fe'
- 'for_each_drhd_unit'
- 'for_each_dss_dev'
- 'for_each_efi_memory_desc'
- 'for_each_efi_memory_desc_in_map'
- 'for_each_element'
- 'for_each_element_extid'
- 'for_each_element_id'
- 'for_each_enabled_cpu'
- 'for_each_endpoint_of_node'
- 'for_each_event'
- 'for_each_event_tps'
- 'for_each_evictable_lru'
- 'for_each_fib6_node_rt_rcu'
- 'for_each_fib6_walker_rt'
- 'for_each_file_lock'
- 'for_each_free_mem_pfn_range_in_zone_from'
- 'for_each_free_mem_range'
- 'for_each_free_mem_range_reverse'
- 'for_each_func_rsrc'
- 'for_each_gpiochip_node'
- 'for_each_group_evsel'
- 'for_each_group_evsel_head'
- 'for_each_group_member'
- 'for_each_group_member_head'
- 'for_each_hstate'
- 'for_each_hwgpio'
- 'for_each_if'
- 'for_each_inject_fn'
- 'for_each_insn'
- 'for_each_insn_op_loc'
- 'for_each_insn_prefix'
- 'for_each_intid'
- 'for_each_iommu'
- 'for_each_ip_tunnel_rcu'
- 'for_each_irq_nr'
- 'for_each_lang'
- 'for_each_link_ch_maps'
- 'for_each_link_codecs'
- 'for_each_link_cpus'
- 'for_each_link_platforms'
- 'for_each_lru'
- 'for_each_matching_node'
- 'for_each_matching_node_and_match'
- 'for_each_media_entity_data_link'
- 'for_each_mem_pfn_range'
- 'for_each_mem_range'
- 'for_each_mem_range_rev'
- 'for_each_mem_region'
- 'for_each_member'
- 'for_each_memory'
- 'for_each_migratetype_order'
- 'for_each_missing_reg'
- 'for_each_mle_subelement'
- 'for_each_mod_mem_type'
- 'for_each_net'
- 'for_each_net_continue_reverse'
- 'for_each_net_rcu'
- 'for_each_netdev'
- 'for_each_netdev_continue'
- 'for_each_netdev_continue_rcu'
- 'for_each_netdev_continue_reverse'
- 'for_each_netdev_dump'
- 'for_each_netdev_feature'
- 'for_each_netdev_in_bond_rcu'
- 'for_each_netdev_rcu'
- 'for_each_netdev_reverse'
- 'for_each_netdev_safe'
- 'for_each_new_connector_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_crtc_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_mst_mgr_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_plane_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_plane_in_state_reverse'
- 'for_each_new_private_obj_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_reg'
- 'for_each_nhlt_endpoint'
- 'for_each_nhlt_endpoint_fmtcfg'
- 'for_each_nhlt_fmtcfg'
- 'for_each_node'
- 'for_each_node_by_name'
- 'for_each_node_by_type'
- 'for_each_node_mask'
- 'for_each_node_state'
- 'for_each_node_with_cpus'
- 'for_each_node_with_property'
- 'for_each_nonreserved_multicast_dest_pgid'
- 'for_each_numa_hop_mask'
- 'for_each_of_allnodes'
- 'for_each_of_allnodes_from'
- 'for_each_of_cpu_node'
- 'for_each_of_pci_range'
- 'for_each_old_connector_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_crtc_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_mst_mgr_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_plane_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_private_obj_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_connector_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_crtc_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_mst_mgr_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_plane_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_plane_in_state_reverse'
- 'for_each_oldnew_private_obj_in_state'
- 'for_each_online_cpu'
- 'for_each_online_node'
- 'for_each_online_pgdat'
- 'for_each_or_bit'
- 'for_each_path'
- 'for_each_pci_bridge'
- 'for_each_pci_dev'
- 'for_each_pcm_streams'
- 'for_each_physmem_range'
- 'for_each_populated_zone'
- 'for_each_possible_cpu'
- 'for_each_present_blessed_reg'
- 'for_each_present_cpu'
- 'for_each_prime_number'
- 'for_each_prime_number_from'
- 'for_each_probe_cache_entry'
- 'for_each_process'
- 'for_each_process_thread'
- 'for_each_prop_codec_conf'
- 'for_each_prop_dai_codec'
- 'for_each_prop_dai_cpu'
- 'for_each_prop_dlc_codecs'
- 'for_each_prop_dlc_cpus'
- 'for_each_prop_dlc_platforms'
- 'for_each_property_of_node'
- 'for_each_reg'
- 'for_each_reg_filtered'
- 'for_each_reloc'
- 'for_each_reloc_from'
- 'for_each_requested_gpio'
- 'for_each_requested_gpio_in_range'
- 'for_each_reserved_child_of_node'
- 'for_each_reserved_mem_range'
- 'for_each_reserved_mem_region'
- 'for_each_rtd_ch_maps'
- 'for_each_rtd_codec_dais'
- 'for_each_rtd_components'
- 'for_each_rtd_cpu_dais'
- 'for_each_rtd_dais'
- 'for_each_rtd_dais_reverse'
- 'for_each_sband_iftype_data'
- 'for_each_script'
- 'for_each_sec'
- 'for_each_set_bit'
- 'for_each_set_bit_from'
- 'for_each_set_bit_wrap'
- 'for_each_set_bitrange'
- 'for_each_set_bitrange_from'
- 'for_each_set_clump8'
- 'for_each_sg'
- 'for_each_sg_dma_page'
- 'for_each_sg_page'
- 'for_each_sgtable_dma_page'
- 'for_each_sgtable_dma_sg'
- 'for_each_sgtable_page'
- 'for_each_sgtable_sg'
- 'for_each_sibling_event'
- 'for_each_sta_active_link'
- 'for_each_subelement'
- 'for_each_subelement_extid'
- 'for_each_subelement_id'
- 'for_each_sublist'
- 'for_each_subsystem'
- 'for_each_supported_activate_fn'
- 'for_each_supported_inject_fn'
- 'for_each_sym'
- 'for_each_test'
- 'for_each_thread'
- 'for_each_token'
- 'for_each_unicast_dest_pgid'
- 'for_each_valid_link'
- 'for_each_vif_active_link'
- 'for_each_vma'
- 'for_each_vma_range'
- 'for_each_vsi'
- 'for_each_wakeup_source'
- 'for_each_zone'
- 'for_each_zone_zonelist'
- 'for_each_zone_zonelist_nodemask'
- 'func_for_each_insn'
- 'fwnode_for_each_available_child_node'
- 'fwnode_for_each_child_node'
- 'fwnode_for_each_parent_node'
- 'fwnode_graph_for_each_endpoint'
- 'gadget_for_each_ep'
- 'genradix_for_each'
- 'genradix_for_each_from'
- 'genradix_for_each_reverse'
- 'hash_for_each'
- 'hash_for_each_possible'
- 'hash_for_each_possible_rcu'
- 'hash_for_each_possible_rcu_notrace'
- 'hash_for_each_possible_safe'
- 'hash_for_each_rcu'
- 'hash_for_each_safe'
- 'hashmap__for_each_entry'
- 'hashmap__for_each_entry_safe'
- 'hashmap__for_each_key_entry'
- 'hashmap__for_each_key_entry_safe'
- 'hctx_for_each_ctx'
- 'hists__for_each_format'
- 'hists__for_each_sort_list'
- 'hlist_bl_for_each_entry'
- 'hlist_bl_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'hlist_bl_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'hlist_for_each'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_continue'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_continue_rcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_continue_rcu_bh'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_from'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_from_rcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_rcu_bh'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_rcu_notrace'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_srcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_safe'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry_from'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'i3c_bus_for_each_i2cdev'
- 'i3c_bus_for_each_i3cdev'
- 'idr_for_each_entry'
- 'idr_for_each_entry_continue'
- 'idr_for_each_entry_continue_ul'
- 'idr_for_each_entry_ul'
- 'in_dev_for_each_ifa_rcu'
- 'in_dev_for_each_ifa_rtnl'
- 'inet_bind_bucket_for_each'
- 'interval_tree_for_each_span'
- 'intlist__for_each_entry'
- 'intlist__for_each_entry_safe'
- 'kcore_copy__for_each_phdr'
- 'key_for_each'
- 'key_for_each_safe'
- 'klp_for_each_func'
- 'klp_for_each_func_safe'
- 'klp_for_each_func_static'
- 'klp_for_each_object'
- 'klp_for_each_object_safe'
- 'klp_for_each_object_static'
- 'kunit_suite_for_each_test_case'
- 'kvm_for_each_memslot'
- 'kvm_for_each_memslot_in_gfn_range'
- 'kvm_for_each_vcpu'
- 'libbpf_nla_for_each_attr'
- 'list_for_each'
- 'list_for_each_codec'
- 'list_for_each_codec_safe'
- 'list_for_each_continue'
- 'list_for_each_entry'
- 'list_for_each_entry_continue'
- 'list_for_each_entry_continue_rcu'
- 'list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_entry_from'
- 'list_for_each_entry_from_rcu'
- 'list_for_each_entry_from_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_entry_lockless'
- 'list_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'list_for_each_entry_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe_continue'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe_from'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_entry_srcu'
- 'list_for_each_from'
- 'list_for_each_prev'
- 'list_for_each_prev_safe'
- 'list_for_each_rcu'
- 'list_for_each_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_safe'
- 'llist_for_each'
- 'llist_for_each_entry'
- 'llist_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'llist_for_each_safe'
- 'lwq_for_each_safe'
- 'map__for_each_symbol'
- 'map__for_each_symbol_by_name'
- 'mas_for_each'
- 'mci_for_each_dimm'
- 'media_device_for_each_entity'
- 'media_device_for_each_intf'
- 'media_device_for_each_link'
- 'media_device_for_each_pad'
- 'media_entity_for_each_pad'
- 'media_pipeline_for_each_entity'
- 'media_pipeline_for_each_pad'
- 'mlx5_lag_for_each_peer_mdev'
- 'msi_domain_for_each_desc'
- 'msi_for_each_desc'
- 'mt_for_each'
- 'nanddev_io_for_each_page'
- 'netdev_for_each_lower_dev'
- 'netdev_for_each_lower_private'
- 'netdev_for_each_lower_private_rcu'
- 'netdev_for_each_mc_addr'
- 'netdev_for_each_synced_mc_addr'
- 'netdev_for_each_synced_uc_addr'
- 'netdev_for_each_uc_addr'
- 'netdev_for_each_upper_dev_rcu'
- 'netdev_hw_addr_list_for_each'
- 'nft_rule_for_each_expr'
- 'nla_for_each_attr'
- 'nla_for_each_attr_type'
- 'nla_for_each_nested'
- 'nla_for_each_nested_type'
- 'nlmsg_for_each_attr'
- 'nlmsg_for_each_msg'
- 'nr_neigh_for_each'
- 'nr_neigh_for_each_safe'
- 'nr_node_for_each'
- 'nr_node_for_each_safe'
- 'of_for_each_phandle'
- 'of_property_for_each_string'
- 'of_property_for_each_u32'
- 'pci_bus_for_each_resource'
- 'pci_dev_for_each_resource'
- 'pcl_for_each_chunk'
- 'pcl_for_each_segment'
- 'pcm_for_each_format'
- 'perf_config_items__for_each_entry'
- 'perf_config_sections__for_each_entry'
- 'perf_config_set__for_each_entry'
- 'perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu'
- 'perf_cpu_map__for_each_cpu_skip_any'
- 'perf_cpu_map__for_each_idx'
- 'perf_evlist__for_each_entry'
- 'perf_evlist__for_each_entry_reverse'
- 'perf_evlist__for_each_entry_safe'
- 'perf_evlist__for_each_evsel'
- 'perf_evlist__for_each_mmap'
- 'perf_hpp_list__for_each_format'
- 'perf_hpp_list__for_each_format_safe'
- 'perf_hpp_list__for_each_sort_list'
- 'perf_hpp_list__for_each_sort_list_safe'
- 'perf_tool_event__for_each_event'
- 'plist_for_each'
- 'plist_for_each_continue'
- 'plist_for_each_entry'
- 'plist_for_each_entry_continue'
- 'plist_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'plist_for_each_safe'
- 'pnp_for_each_card'
- 'pnp_for_each_dev'
- 'protocol_for_each_card'
- 'protocol_for_each_dev'
- 'queue_for_each_hw_ctx'
- 'radix_tree_for_each_slot'
- 'radix_tree_for_each_tagged'
- 'rb_for_each'
- 'rbtree_postorder_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'rdma_for_each_block'
- 'rdma_for_each_port'
- 'rdma_umem_for_each_dma_block'
- 'resort_rb__for_each_entry'
- 'resource_list_for_each_entry'
- 'resource_list_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'rhl_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'rhl_for_each_rcu'
- 'rht_for_each'
- 'rht_for_each_entry'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_from'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_rcu_from'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'rht_for_each_from'
- 'rht_for_each_rcu'
- 'rht_for_each_rcu_from'
- 'rq_for_each_bvec'
- 'rq_for_each_segment'
- 'rq_list_for_each'
- 'rq_list_for_each_safe'
- 'sample_read_group__for_each'
- 'scsi_for_each_prot_sg'
- 'scsi_for_each_sg'
- 'sctp_for_each_hentry'
- 'sctp_skb_for_each'
- 'sec_for_each_insn'
- 'sec_for_each_insn_continue'
- 'sec_for_each_insn_from'
- 'sec_for_each_sym'
- 'shdma_for_each_chan'
- 'shost_for_each_device'
- 'sk_for_each'
- 'sk_for_each_bound'
- 'sk_for_each_entry_offset_rcu'
- 'sk_for_each_from'
- 'sk_for_each_rcu'
- 'sk_for_each_safe'
- 'sk_nulls_for_each'
- 'sk_nulls_for_each_from'
- 'sk_nulls_for_each_rcu'
- 'snd_array_for_each'
- 'snd_pcm_group_for_each_entry'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_path'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_path_safe'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_sink_path'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_source_path'
- 'sparsebit_for_each_set_range'
- 'strlist__for_each_entry'
- 'strlist__for_each_entry_safe'
- 'sym_for_each_insn'
- 'sym_for_each_insn_continue_reverse'
- 'symbols__for_each_entry'
- 'tb_property_for_each'
- 'tcf_act_for_each_action'
- 'tcf_exts_for_each_action'
- 'ttm_resource_manager_for_each_res'
- 'udp_portaddr_for_each_entry'
- 'udp_portaddr_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'usb_hub_for_each_child'
- 'v4l2_device_for_each_subdev'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf_safe'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf_safe'
- 'virtio_device_for_each_vq'
- 'while_for_each_ftrace_op'
- 'xa_for_each'
- 'xa_for_each_marked'
- 'xa_for_each_range'
- 'xa_for_each_start'
- 'xas_for_each'
- 'xas_for_each_conflict'
- 'xas_for_each_marked'
- 'xbc_array_for_each_value'
- 'xbc_for_each_key_value'
- 'xbc_node_for_each_array_value'
- 'xbc_node_for_each_child'
- 'xbc_node_for_each_key_value'
- 'xbc_node_for_each_subkey'
- 'ynl_attr_for_each'
- 'ynl_attr_for_each_nested'
- 'ynl_attr_for_each_payload'
- 'zorro_for_each_dev'
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@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
static int __init basic_module_init(void) {
static int __init basic_module_init(void)
pr_info("Bonjour! Le module est chargé.\n");
pr_info("Bonjour! Le module est chargé.\n");
return 0;
return 0;
static void __exit basic_module_exit(void) {
static void __exit basic_module_exit(void)
pr_info("Au revoir! Le module est déchargé.\n");
pr_info("Au revoir! Le module est déchargé.\n");
@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(mystring, "A character string");
module_param_array(myintarray, int, &arr_argc, 0000);
module_param_array(myintarray, int, &arr_argc, 0000);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(myintarray, "An array of integers");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(myintarray, "An array of integers");
static int __init module_params_init(void) {
static int __init module_params_init(void)
int i;
int i;
pr_info("myshort: %hd\n", myshort);
pr_info("myshort: %hd\n", myshort);
@ -40,7 +41,8 @@ static int __init module_params_init(void) {
return 0;
return 0;
static void __exit module_params_exit(void) {
static void __exit module_params_exit(void)
pr_info("Module avec paramètre déchargé.\n");
pr_info("Module avec paramètre déchargé.\n");
@ -22,33 +22,40 @@ static struct file_operations fops = {
.release = device_release,
.release = device_release,
static int __init basic_module_init(void) {
static int __init basic_module_init(void)
pr_info("Bonjour! Le module est chargé.\n");
pr_info("Bonjour! Le module est chargé.\n");
major_number = register_chrdev(0, DEVICE_NAME, &fops);
major_number = register_chrdev(0, DEVICE_NAME, &fops);
if (major_number < 0) {
if (major_number < 0) {
pr_info("Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du périphérique de caractère\n");
pr_info("Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du périphérique de caractère\n");
return major_number;
return major_number;
pr_info("Périphérique de caractère enregistré avec le numéro de majeur %d\n", major_number);
pr_info("Périphérique de caractère enregistré avec le numéro de majeur %d\n",
return 0;
return 0;
static void __exit basic_module_exit(void) {
static void __exit basic_module_exit(void)
unregister_chrdev(major_number, DEVICE_NAME);
unregister_chrdev(major_number, DEVICE_NAME);
pr_info("Au revoir! Le module est déchargé.\n");
pr_info("Au revoir! Le module est déchargé.\n");
static int device_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) {
static int device_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
pr_info("flodev - Ouverture du périphérique\n");
pr_info("flodev - Ouverture du périphérique\n");
return 0;
return 0;
static int device_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) {
static int device_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
pr_info("flodev - Fermeture du périphérique\n");
pr_info("flodev - Fermeture du périphérique\n");
return 0;
return 0;
static ssize_t device_read(struct file *filp, char *buffer, size_t length, loff_t *offset) {
static ssize_t device_read(struct file *filp, char *buffer, size_t length,
loff_t *offset)
int bytes_read = 0;
int bytes_read = 0;
if (*offset >= size_of_msg) {
if (*offset >= size_of_msg) {
return 0;
return 0;
@ -65,7 +72,9 @@ static ssize_t device_read(struct file *filp, char *buffer, size_t length, loff_
return bytes_read;
return bytes_read;
static ssize_t device_write(struct file *filp, const char *buff, size_t len, loff_t *off) {
static ssize_t device_write(struct file *filp, const char *buff, size_t len,
loff_t *off)
if (copy_from_user(msg, buff, len)) {
if (copy_from_user(msg, buff, len)) {
return -EFAULT;
return -EFAULT;
@ -6,22 +6,26 @@
static inline void print_processus_info(void);
static inline void print_processus_info(void);
static int __init basic_module_init(void) {
static int __init basic_module_init(void)
pr_info("Bonjour! Le module est chargé.\n");
pr_info("Bonjour! Le module est chargé.\n");
return 0;
return 0;
static void __exit basic_module_exit(void) {
static void __exit basic_module_exit(void)
pr_info("Au revoir! Le module est déchargé.\n");
pr_info("Au revoir! Le module est déchargé.\n");
static inline void print_processus_info(void) {
static inline void print_processus_info(void)
struct task_struct *task;
struct task_struct *task;
for_each_process(task) {
for_each_process(task) {
pr_info("PID: %d, COMM: %s, ON CPU: %d\n", task->pid, task->comm, task->on_cpu);
pr_info("PID: %d, COMM: %s, ON CPU: %d\n", task->pid,
task->comm, task->on_cpu);
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
static struct nf_hook_ops nfho;
static struct nf_hook_ops nfho;
unsigned int hook_func(void *priv, struct sk_buff *skb, const struct nf_hook_state *state) {
unsigned int hook_func(void *priv, struct sk_buff *skb,
const struct nf_hook_state *state)
const struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);
const struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);
const struct tcphdr *tcph = tcp_hdr(skb);
const struct tcphdr *tcph = tcp_hdr(skb);
@ -20,7 +22,8 @@ unsigned int hook_func(void *priv, struct sk_buff *skb, const struct nf_hook_sta
return NF_ACCEPT;
return NF_ACCEPT;
static int __init packet_filter_init(void) {
static int __init packet_filter_init(void)
nfho.hook = hook_func;
nfho.hook = hook_func;
nfho.hooknum = NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING;
nfho.hooknum = NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING;
|||||| = PF_INET;
| = PF_INET;
@ -31,7 +34,8 @@ static int __init packet_filter_init(void) {
return 0;
return 0;
static void __exit packet_filter_exit(void) {
static void __exit packet_filter_exit(void)
nf_unregister_net_hook(&init_net, &nfho);
nf_unregister_net_hook(&init_net, &nfho);
pr_info("Module de filtrage de paquets déchargé.\n");
pr_info("Module de filtrage de paquets déchargé.\n");
@ -3,12 +3,18 @@
#include <linux/leds.h>
#include <linux/leds.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
static void virtual_led_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev, enum led_brightness brightness) {
static void virtual_led_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev,
pr_info("Luminosité défini sur la LED %s à %d\n", led_cdev->name, brightness);
enum led_brightness brightness)
pr_info("Luminosité défini sur la LED %s à %d\n", led_cdev->name,
static enum led_brightness virtual_led_brightness_get(struct led_classdev *led_cdev) {
static enum led_brightness
pr_info("Luminosité lu sur la LED %s, valeur actuelle: %d\n", led_cdev->name, led_cdev->brightness);
virtual_led_brightness_get(struct led_classdev *led_cdev)
pr_info("Luminosité lu sur la LED %s, valeur actuelle: %d\n",
led_cdev->name, led_cdev->brightness);
return led_cdev->brightness;
return led_cdev->brightness;
@ -21,7 +27,8 @@ static struct led_classdev virtual_led = {
.brightness_set = virtual_led_brightness_get
.brightness_set = virtual_led_brightness_get
static int __init virtual_led_init(void) {
static int __init virtual_led_init(void)
int ret;
int ret;
pr_info("Chargement du module pour la LED virtuelle\n");
pr_info("Chargement du module pour la LED virtuelle\n");
@ -35,7 +42,8 @@ static int __init virtual_led_init(void) {
return 0;
return 0;
static void __exit virtual_led_exit(void) {
static void __exit virtual_led_exit(void)
pr_info("Déchargement du module pour la LED virtuelle\n");
pr_info("Déchargement du module pour la LED virtuelle\n");
pr_info("La LED virtuelle est bien retiré\n");
pr_info("La LED virtuelle est bien retiré\n");
@ -11,28 +11,38 @@ struct flo_device {
static struct flo_device flo_dev;
static struct flo_device flo_dev;
static void virtual_led_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev, enum led_brightness brightness) {
static void virtual_led_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev,
pr_info("Luminosité défini sur la LED %s à %d\n", led_cdev->name, brightness);
enum led_brightness brightness)
pr_info("Luminosité défini sur la LED %s à %d\n", led_cdev->name,
static enum led_brightness virtual_led_brightness_get(struct led_classdev *led_cdev) {
static enum led_brightness
pr_info("Luminosité lu sur la LED %s, valeur actuelle: %d\n", led_cdev->name, led_cdev->brightness);
virtual_led_brightness_get(struct led_classdev *led_cdev)
pr_info("Luminosité lu sur la LED %s, valeur actuelle: %d\n",
led_cdev->name, led_cdev->brightness);
return led_cdev->brightness;
return led_cdev->brightness;
static int __init virtual_led_init(void) {
static int __init virtual_led_init(void)
int ret, i;
int ret, i;
pr_info("Chargement du module pour les LEDs virtuelles\n");
pr_info("Chargement du module pour les LEDs virtuelles\n");
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
struct led_classdev *led = kzalloc(sizeof(struct led_classdev), GFP_KERNEL);
struct led_classdev *led =
kzalloc(sizeof(struct led_classdev), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!led) {
if (!led) {
pr_err("Échec de l'allocation de mémoire pour la LED %d\n", i);
pr_err("Échec de l'allocation de mémoire pour la LED %d\n",
ret = -ENOMEM;
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto fail;
goto fail;
led->name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "flo-led:white:flo-%d", i + 1);
led->name =
kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "flo-led:white:flo-%d", i + 1);
led->color = LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE;
led->color = LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE;
led->brightness = 0;
led->brightness = 0;
led->max_brightness = 255;
led->max_brightness = 255;
@ -63,7 +73,8 @@ fail:
return ret;
return ret;
static void __exit virtual_led_exit(void) {
static void __exit virtual_led_exit(void)
int i;
int i;
pr_info("Déchargement du module pour les LEDs virtuelles\n");
pr_info("Déchargement du module pour les LEDs virtuelles\n");
@ -32,20 +32,23 @@ static int __init gpio_pin_rpi3_init(void)
// Récupération du descripteur GPIO à partir du numéro Globale Linux
// Récupération du descripteur GPIO à partir du numéro Globale Linux
pin.desc = gpio_to_desc(pin.linux_gpio);
pin.desc = gpio_to_desc(pin.linux_gpio);
if (!pin.desc) {
if (!pin.desc) {
pr_err("gpio_pin_rpi3: Le GPIO %d (BCM %d) non trouvé\n", pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
pr_err("gpio_pin_rpi3: Le GPIO %d (BCM %d) non trouvé\n",
pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
return -ENODEV;
return -ENODEV;
// Réclame le PIN GPIO
// Réclame le PIN GPIO
if (gpiod_direction_output(pin.desc, 0)) {
if (gpiod_direction_output(pin.desc, 0)) {
pr_err("gpio_pin_rpi3: Impossible de configurer le GPIO %d\n", pin.linux_gpio);
pr_err("gpio_pin_rpi3: Impossible de configurer le GPIO %d\n",
return -EINVAL;
return -EINVAL;
// Allume la LED
// Allume la LED
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, 1);
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, 1);
pr_info("gpio_pin_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) activé (LED ON)\n", pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
pr_info("gpio_pin_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) activé (LED ON)\n",
pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
return 0;
return 0;
@ -55,7 +58,8 @@ static void __exit gpio_pin_rpi3_exit(void)
// Turn LED off and release GPIO
// Turn LED off and release GPIO
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, 0);
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, 0);
pr_info("gpio_pin_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) libéré (LED OFF)\n", pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
pr_info("gpio_pin_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) libéré (LED OFF)\n",
pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ struct gpio_led_rpi3 {
static struct gpio_led_rpi3 pin;
static struct gpio_led_rpi3 pin;
static void gpio_led_rpi3_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev, enum led_brightness brightness) {
static void gpio_led_rpi3_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev,
pr_info("gpio_led_rpi3: Luminosité défini sur la LED %s à %d\n", led_cdev->name, brightness);
enum led_brightness brightness)
pr_info("gpio_led_rpi3: Luminosité défini sur la LED %s à %d\n",
led_cdev->name, brightness);
if (brightness < 0 || brightness > 1) {
if (brightness < 0 || brightness > 1) {
pr_err("gpio_led_rpi3: Valeur incorrecte");
pr_err("gpio_led_rpi3: Valeur incorrecte");
@ -31,11 +34,15 @@ static void gpio_led_rpi3_brightness_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev, enum led
// Applique la nouvelle valeur à la LED
// Applique la nouvelle valeur à la LED
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, brightness);
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, brightness);
pr_info("gpio_pin_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) défini à %d\n", pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio, brightness);
pr_info("gpio_pin_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) défini à %d\n", pin.linux_gpio,
pin.bcm_gpio, brightness);
static enum led_brightness gpio_led_rpi3_brightness_get(struct led_classdev *led_cdev) {
static enum led_brightness
pr_info("Luminosité lu sur la LED %s, valeur actuelle: %d\n", led_cdev->name, led_cdev->brightness);
gpio_led_rpi3_brightness_get(struct led_classdev *led_cdev)
pr_info("Luminosité lu sur la LED %s, valeur actuelle: %d\n",
led_cdev->name, led_cdev->brightness);
return led_cdev->brightness;
return led_cdev->brightness;
@ -52,13 +59,15 @@ static int register_rpi3_gpio_pin(void)
// Récupération du descripteur GPIO à partir du numéro Globale Linux
// Récupération du descripteur GPIO à partir du numéro Globale Linux
pin.desc = gpio_to_desc(pin.linux_gpio);
pin.desc = gpio_to_desc(pin.linux_gpio);
if (!pin.desc) {
if (!pin.desc) {
pr_err("gpio_led_rpi3: Le GPIO %d (BCM %d) non trouvé\n", pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
pr_err("gpio_led_rpi3: Le GPIO %d (BCM %d) non trouvé\n",
pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
return -ENODEV;
return -ENODEV;
// Réclame le PIN GPIO
// Réclame le PIN GPIO
if (gpiod_direction_output(pin.desc, 0)) {
if (gpiod_direction_output(pin.desc, 0)) {
pr_err("gpio_led_rpi3: Impossible de configurer le GPIO %d\n", pin.linux_gpio);
pr_err("gpio_led_rpi3: Impossible de configurer le GPIO %d\n",
return -EINVAL;
return -EINVAL;
@ -74,7 +83,8 @@ static void unregister_rpi3_gpio_pin(void)
// Turn LED off and release GPIO
// Turn LED off and release GPIO
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, 0);
gpiod_set_value(pin.desc, 0);
pr_info("gpio_led_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) libéré (LED OFF)\n", pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
pr_info("gpio_led_rpi3: GPIO %d (BCM %d) libéré (LED OFF)\n",
pin.linux_gpio, pin.bcm_gpio);
static int register_rpi3_led(void)
static int register_rpi3_led(void)
@ -85,7 +95,8 @@ static int register_rpi3_led(void)
return -ENOMEM;
return -ENOMEM;
pin.led->name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "rpi3-led:white:gpio-%d", pin.bcm_gpio);
pin.led->name =
kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "rpi3-led:white:gpio-%d", pin.bcm_gpio);
pin.led->color = LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE;
pin.led->color = LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE;
pin.led->brightness = 0;
pin.led->brightness = 0;
pin.led->max_brightness = 1;
pin.led->max_brightness = 1;
@ -137,5 +148,6 @@ module_exit(gpio_led_rpi3_exit);
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Un module noyau pour utiliser un PIN GPIO d'une RPI en tant que LED");
"Un module noyau pour utiliser un PIN GPIO d'une RPI en tant que LED");
@ -90,3 +90,19 @@ Full example (run as root):
/usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file sha256 /etc/pki/akmods/private/private_key.priv /etc/pki/akmods/certs/public_key.der <module_file>.ko
/usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file sha256 /etc/pki/akmods/private/private_key.priv /etc/pki/akmods/certs/public_key.der <module_file>.ko
### Format
1. .clang-format
How update .clang-format
curl -o .clang-format
Format files
clang-format -i **/*.c
@ -15,12 +15,16 @@
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
linux = pkgs.linuxKernel.kernels.linux_zen;
linux = pkgs.linuxKernel.kernels.linux_zen;
packages = with pkgs; [
in {
in {
devShells = rec {
devShells = rec {
default = nixos;
default = nixos;
nixos = pkgs.mkShell {
nixos = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = [ linux.moduleBuildDependencies ];
packages = [ linux.moduleBuildDependencies ] ++ packages;
LINUX_MODULES_FOLDER = "${}/lib/modules/${linux.modDirVersion}";
LINUX_MODULES_FOLDER = "${}/lib/modules/${linux.modDirVersion}";
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@
other = pkgs.mkShell {
other = pkgs.mkShell {
inherit packages;
shellHook = ''
shellHook = ''
export LINUX_MODULES_FOLDER=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)
export LINUX_MODULES_FOLDER=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)
echo "Current Linux Kernel used : $(uname -r)"
echo "Current Linux Kernel used : $(uname -r)"
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